There are plans to transform a Southampton car park into a development of converted shipping containers for retailers, food outlets, bars and offices which is set to be approved.

The application is seeking a five-year temporary permission for the project on College Street Car Park and has been recommended for the green light ahead of a Southampton City Council planning meeting.

A report filed ahead of the meeting said: “The ethos of this container park scheme is to provide a place for new start-up businesses, local producers and creatives with space for work, events, shopping and food and drink facilities.”
The scheme would be located on the eastern half of the car park which comprises 73 spaces, with 95 spaces being retained on the west side. It would provide 1,420 sq ft of retail space, 2,432 sq ft for food and drink use, 1,722 sq ft of studio space as well as an associated events space.

The report added that the proposals are “acceptable”.

“Other material considerations have been considered and are not judged to have sufficient weight to justify a refusal of the application, and where applicable conditions have been applied in order to satisfy these matters.”

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